Nernst equation calculator
Nernst equation calculator

nernst equation calculator

Q < 1 in this case, so the process is spontaneous. The Nernst equation finds the cell potential of a reaction, or how much power a reaction will have at any given moment. Nernst Equation Calculator Nernst Equation at Room Temperature: E E 0. To get a positive cell potential (spontaneous process) the reaction quotient Q must be <1.

nernst equation calculator

We will now extend electrochemistry by determining the relationship between =+0.021 VĪnd the process is spontaneous at these conditions.Ĭheck your answer: In a concentration cell, the standard cell potential will always be zero.

  • Perform calculations that involve converting between cell potentials, free energy changes, and equilibrium constants.
  • Use the Nernst equation to determine cell potentials at nonstandard conditions.
  • If you remember the Nernst potential as equation 1, youll be fine, but you should remember that the number is 61 mV (and not 58 mV) at mammalian body temperature.

    nernst equation calculator

    Relate cell potentials to free energy changes z valency of ion (Na + is plus one, Ca 2+ is plus two and Cl - is minus one) So the value 58 mV comes not out of thin air but from the terms in equation 3.


    By the end of this module, you will be able to: In electrochemistry, the Nernst equation is an equation that relates the reduction potential of an electrochemical reaction (half-cell or full cell reaction) to.

    Nernst equation calculator